Source code for pymedoc.devices

from __future__ import division

Main Pathway Device Class

__all__ = ['Pathway']
__author__ = ["Cosan Lab"]
__license__ = "MIT"
import socket
import time
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import six

[docs]class Pathway(object): """ Pathway is a class to communicate with the Medoc Pathway thermal stimulation machine. Args: ip (str): device ip address port_number (int): port the device is listening on timeout (float): seconds until connection timeouts; default 5s verbose (bool): flag whether to print responses; default True buffer_size (int): size of connection buffer; default 1024 """ def __init__(self, ip, port_number,timeout = 5.,verbose=True, buffer_size = 1024): assert isinstance(ip,six.string_types), "IP address must be a string." assert isinstance(port_number,six.integer_types), "Port must be an integer" self.ip = ip self.port_number = port_number self.BUFFER_SIZE = buffer_size self.timeout = timeout self.verbose = verbose self.socket = None self.test_states = { 0: 'IDLE', 1: 'RUNNING', 2: 'PAUSED', 3: 'READY' } self.state_codes = { 0: 'IDLE', 1: 'READY', 2: 'TEST' } self.command_codes = { 0: 'STATUS', 1: 'TEST_PROGRAM', 2: 'START', 3: 'PAUSE', 4: 'TRIGGER', 5: 'STOP', 6: 'ABORT', 7: 'YES', 8: 'NO' } self.response_codes = { 0: 'RESULT_OK', 1: 'RESULT_ILLEGAL_ARG', 2: 'RESULT_ILLEGAL_STATE', 3: 'RESULT_ILLEGAL_TEST_STATE', 4096: 'RESULT_DEVICE_COMM_ERROR', 8192: 'RESULT_SAFETY_WARNING', 16384: 'RESULT_SAFETY_ERROR' } self.segmentation_points = OrderedDict({ 'LENGTH_OFFSET': (0,4), 'TIMESTAMP_OFFSET': (4,8), 'COMMAND_OFFSET': 8, 'SYSTEM_STATE_OFFSET':9, 'TEST_STATE_OFFSET': 10, 'RESULT_OFFSET': (11,13), 'TEST_TIME_OFFSET': (13,17), 'ERROR_MESSAGE_OFFSET': 17 }) try: _ ='STATUS',verbose=False) print('Connection to Pathway successful') except: raise IOError('Cannot establish connection, check IP and port number is correct and the host computer is on.') def _create_connection(self): """Create and return new socket connection""" socket.setdefaulttimeout(self.timeout) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((self.ip,self.port_number)) return s
[docs] def call(self, command, protocol=None, reuse_socket=False, verbose = False): """ Send command to device. Args: command (str/int): command name or command_id number to send to device protocol (str/int): protocol number on device to issue command to (only needed for command TEST_PROGRAM) reuse_socket (bool): try to reuse the last created socket connection; *NOT CURRENTLY FUNCTIONAL* verbose (bool): whether to print out the device callback Returns: response (dict): response from Medoc system """ if reuse_socket: raise NotImplementedError("Reusing sockets does not currently work.") if self.socket: s = self.socket else: raise ValueError("No previous sockets exist") else: s = self._create_connection() self.socket = s if isinstance(command,str): command = self.command_codes.keys()[self.command_codes.values().index(command)] if command ==1 and protocol is None: raise ValueError('TEST_PROGRAM command requires a protocol number') MESSAGE = self._format_command(command, protocol) nbytes = s.send(MESSAGE) time.sleep(0.5) data = s.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) response = self._format_response(data,nbytes) if not response: return,protocol,verbose=verbose) if verbose: print_flag = verbose else: print_flag = self.verbose if print_flag: print(response) return response
def _format_command(self, command, protocol): """ Format calls to device. Args: command (str/int): command name or command_id number to send to device protocol (int): protocol number on device to issue command to (only needed for command TEST_PROGRAM) Returns: message: formatted message to be sent """ bin32 = lambda x : ''.join(reversed( [str((x >> i) & 1) for i in range(32)] )) curtime = bin32(int(time.time())) timelist = [] for i in range(1,5): timelist.append(int(curtime[(i-1)*8:i*8],2)) timelist.reverse() cmd = [command] protocollist = [] if command==1 and protocol: protocol = bin32(protocol) for i in range(1,5): protocollist.append(int(protocol[(i-1)*8:i*8],2)) protocollist.reverse() MESSAGE = timelist + cmd + protocollist # first should be time sizelist = [] size = bin32(len(MESSAGE)) for i in range(1,5): sizelist.append(int(size[(i-1)*8:i*8],2)) sizelist.reverse() MESSAGE = np.array(sizelist + MESSAGE) MESSAGE = np.getbuffer(MESSAGE.astype(np.uint8),size=len(MESSAGE)) return MESSAGE def _format_response(self, data, nbytes): """ Format responses from device. Note: Test time is the time since machine was turned on. Args: data: data bytes from devices nbytes: length of bytes from devices Returns: response (dict): dictionary of response data """ data_int = [int(elem.encode('hex'),16) for elem in data] response_dict = {} try: response_dict['response_length'] = self._decode(data_int,'LENGTH_OFFSET') response_dict['time_stamp'] = time.ctime(self._decode(data_int,'TIMESTAMP_OFFSET')) response_dict['command_id'] = self.command_codes[data_int[self.segmentation_points['COMMAND_OFFSET']]] response_dict['pathway_state'] = self.state_codes[data_int[self.segmentation_points['SYSTEM_STATE_OFFSET']]] response_dict['test_state'] = self.test_states[data_int[self.segmentation_points['TEST_STATE_OFFSET']]] response_dict['response'] = self.response_codes[self._decode(data_int,'RESULT_OFFSET')] response_dict['test_time_stamp'] = self._decode_test_time(data_int) if response_dict['response_length'] > 13: #Covert to uint8 and native? response_dict['error_message'] = data[self.segmentation_points['ERROR_MESSAGE_OFFSET']] except Exception as e: print("ERROR FORMATTING RESPONSE") print("data_int: ", data_int) print("data: ", data) print("nbyes: ", nbytes) return response_dict def _decode(self,data_int,whichtime): """ Helper function to decode response. """ bin8 = lambda x : ''.join(reversed( [str((x >> i) & 1) for i in range(8)] )) dat_int = data_int[self.segmentation_points[whichtime][0]:self.segmentation_points[whichtime][1]] dat_bin = [bin8(dat_int[i])for i in range(0,self.segmentation_points[whichtime][1]-self.segmentation_points[whichtime][0])] dat_bin.reverse() dat_bin = "".join(dat_bin) return int(dat_bin,2) def _decode_test_time(self,data_int): """ Helper function to decode response time. """ test_time = self._decode(data_int,'TEST_TIME_OFFSET') hours = test_time//3600000 mins = (test_time-(hours*3600000))//60000 secs = (test_time-(hours*3600000)-(mins*60000))//1000 msecs = test_time-(hours*3600000)-(mins*60000)-(secs*1000) test_time = '%.2d:%.2d:%.2d.%3d' %(hours,mins,secs,msecs) return test_time
[docs] def poll_for_change(self,to_watch,desired_value,poll_interval=.5,poll_max=-1,verbose=False,server_lag=1.,reuse_socket=False): """ Poll system for a value change. Useful for waiting until the Medoc system has transitioned to a specific state in order to issue another command, but the transition length is unknowable. Args: to_watch (str): the response field we should be monitoring; most often 'test_state' or 'pathway_state' desired_value (str): the desired value of the field to wait on, i.e. keep checking until response_field has this value poll_interval (float): how often to poll; default .5s poll_max (int): upper limit on polling attempts; default -1 (unlimited) verbose (bool): print poll attempt number and current state server_lag (float): sometimes if the socket connection is pinged too quickly after a value change the subsequent command after this method is called can get missed. This adds an additional layer of timing delay before returning from this method to prevent this; default 1s reuse_socket (bool): try to reuse the last created socket connection; *NOT CURRENTLY FUNCTIONAL* Returns: status (bool): whether desired_value was achieved """ val = '' count = 1 while val != desired_value: if verbose: print("Poll: {}".format(str(count))) resp ='STATUS',reuse_socket=False) if resp: val = resp[to_watch] else: val = 'RESPONSE_FORMAT_ERROR' if verbose: print("Current value: {}".format(val)) time.sleep(poll_interval) count += 1 if poll_max > 0 and count > poll_max: print("Polling limit exceeded") return False time.sleep(server_lag) return True
#Convenience wrappers around call method
[docs] def status(self): """ Convenience method.""" return'STATUS')
[docs] def program(self, protocol): """ Convenience method.""" return'TEST_PROGRAM',protocol=protocol)
[docs] def start(self): """ Convenience method.""" return'START')
[docs] def pause(self): """ Convenience method.""" return'PAUSE')
[docs] def trigger(self): """ Convenience method.""" return'TRIGGER')
[docs] def stop(self): """ Convenience method.""" return'STOP')
[docs] def abort(self): """ Convenience method.""" return'ABORT')
[docs] def yes(self): """ Convenience method.""" return'YES')
[docs] def no(self): """ Convenience method.""" return'NO')